Usually weddings can cost a lot of money, and many young couples cannot afford it, however, it is possible to pull a few tricks in order to save up on the wedding costs to make your big day come true. There are a lot of creative methods which can help you get rid of unwanted costs to make sure that you have your perfect wedding without any issues.
Although it will hard to make the tough calls, it is needed if you are planning on making a wedding with a tight budget.
Avoid getting married on a Saturday
You probably got used to marriages happening on Saturdays which is why you should avoid it when planning your wedding. It might sound like an unorthodox idea, but because venues are mostly reserved for Saturdays, they will be cheaper on any other days; which is a great solution to save some money so that you can afford the other things you planned out for your wedding.
However, make sure that people will be able to attend your wedding, as you have to take into consideration that any other might be a regular workday for some; but choosing a Sunday is still a good way to save money and still have a traditional wedding.
Shorten the guest list
Perhaps the biggest of all expenses is inviting all the important people for your wedding, and it is never easy trimming your guest list, but it must be done. The guest list should be taken into consideration only after you have selected the venue and when you know for sure how much budget you have left. So that you can really sit down and think whether to invite your friends from high school. It is important to make sure that you and your partner both agree on the guest list and that you can avoid having any unwanted and unintended guests bashing your wedding.
Perhaps the biggest of all expenses is inviting all the important people for your wedding, and it is never easy trimming your guest list, but it must be done. The guest list should be taken into consideration only after you have selected the venue and when you know for sure how much budget you have left. So that you can really sit down and think whether to invite your friends from high school. It is important to make sure that you and your partner both agree on the guest list and that you can avoid having any unwanted and unintended guests bashing your wedding.
Sometimes though only the immediate family will make the final list, and this is alright too; you can always go party with your friends, but family is more important.
Go for a morning wedding
It will be a hard thing to pull off, but it will be well worth it for your budget. A morning wedding means that you will be serving brunch or lunch, which is a lot cheaper than having everyone enjoy dinner. You can also go wild with all the lunch ideas that are great for such an important event; and on the bonus side, you will be able to spend some more time with your newly-wed spouse throughout your wedding day.
Plan your wedding off-season
Although not getting married during summer is not your imagination of your wedding, you will be able to save a lot of money if you go off-season. Moreover, you will be able to get really creative and create a marvelous wedding that can be immortalized by professional wedding photographers. If you really feel creative, go for moths which can have a specific theme you can include in your wedding to make it more unique.
Remember that when wedding off-season, you will be going for your honeymoon off-season too, and that means that you will be able to book it for cheaper. All in all, it is a great win-win situation for both you and your newly-wed spouse and for your wedding budget.
The wedding
Remember that it is never too early to start planning your wedding and that you should always count for unexpected wedding costs; always make a big enough budget to accommodate for an extra family member, or a little bit more money for the venue. Moreover, you should not only focus on having the best wedding your budget can afford, but you should also focus on marriage as well; after all, it is all about living together and making compromises.
Do not waste the saved up money on silly expenses, rather use the extra fund to pay for what you will really need in the marriage to come. It is imperative to learn that the wedding is about the bride, but it takes two to tango and the groom should be included in the decision making too.
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